I have finally moved into my dream house – SpiriTaos – here in Taos, New Mexico, the culmination of many years of detailed planning. Actually I moved in July 1, 2012 but travel and extensive summer work with my wedding celebrant business kept me from completing the process of putting down my roots. Marrying couples in unique wedding locations, particularly in the mountains of Colorado and New Mexico keeps me away from home quite a bit!
The house is designed to keep me warm and cozy all winter with all the heat coming from the sun (both active and passive) and an occasional wood fire (also both active and passive) when we have stormy weather. These systems are, I’m happy to report, working beautifully. It has long been my dream to not be writing a monthly check to an energy company! That I can keep my house toasty warm when it is below zero outside is a huge delight.
An attached greenhouse was a significant part of the overall plan. As a horticulturist as well as being a wedding officiant, I can put my growing skills to work and have a ready meal whenever I want it. Picking a fresh salad in January and topping it with freshly-pulled carrots is a nurturing experience that nicely complements the warm temperatures of the house. Having created a space that nurtures me keeps me spiritually present as a wedding celebrant.
My landscape skills and wedding minister passions will be further merging in the coming months as I work to create a special space in my landscape to provide a unique and scenic venue for small weddings. As I develop this space I will write more about it. The location is carved out. The natural stone seating is completed. The view is in place and is extraordinary. Guests will look across a lush meadow to the sacred Taos Mountain/Pueblo Peak.
Check back to see my progress on this exciting new outdoor wedding location in Taos!
Want more information on this topic? Email Dan at Dan@EmbracingCeremony.com