I have the good fortune of being a Taos wedding officiant. I love meeting adventuresome couples that want to find an extraordinary location for their wedding. And I love working with couples that want to weave special touches into their ceremony. Following are some pictures to give you ideas on where to have your wedding ceremony in Taos. Or maybe things you can do to make your wedding celebration be extra special.
The Sacred Circle at El Monte Sagrado

At El Monte Sagrado you don’t have to use much decor to make your wedding spectacular. But the coordination of petals and flowers with the wedding party can make for stunning pictures and happy memories of your special day.
Angel Fire Resort

The staff at Angel Fire Resort are exceptionally wonderful to work with. They’ll assure you of a smooth flow to your wedding day. Your guests, when not looking at you, can feast their eyes on the beauty of the Sangre de Cristo mountains and a serene ponderosa pine forest. Involving children in your wedding really makes it special, personal and endearing.
The Gardens at SpiriTaos

The SpiriTaos gardens offer a remarkable view of sacred Taos Mountain. You can work with Taos wedding officiant Dan Jones to calculate the time of your ceremony so that you get the magic light on the Sangre de Cristo mountains during your vows.
The Rio Grande Gorge

The 800 foot sheer walls of the Rio Grande Gorge offer immense drama for your wedding ceremony in Taos. But add to that the huge sky and the panorama of mountains as the backdrop and you’ve got a winner location.
Sangre de Cristo Mountains

Four seasons in the mountains offer unlimited potential for making your wedding truly special. Whether you’re avid about outdoor sports, or just want to walk a few feet from the road, there are myriad places for your wedding ceremony. If you’re unfamiliar with the possibilities, tap Taos wedding officiant Dan Jones for his ideas. He has officiated hundreds of wedding in Taos and the beautiful mountains surrounding Taos.
Want more information on this topic? Email Dan at Dan@EmbracingCeremony.com