Thinking of getting married? How about putting your relationship to a marriage compatibility test beforehand? A few days in the wilderness are a great way to get to know one another better. If not a full-on backpacking trip, try at least setting up camp somewhere and doing extended day hikes.

Time in nature has gotten increasing attention over the last few years for its benefits. You’ll get to know yourself a bit better. And your partner. Without the distraction and clutter of daily life–if you must bring your Smartphone it should be turned off except for route finding or emergency–the important things like your personal interactions come into focus. Without the routine of work schedules or other responsibilities you can focus on yourself and each other.
When the weather throws a curveball at you – sunburn, wind, rain storm – your temperaments are exposed. The skills that get called on can enlighten one another. You may exhibit unexpected strengths that endear you further to one another. Or you may uncover a perceived weakness that necessitates deep conversation. The goal is to strengthen the relationship, not unravel it. And you’ll want to focus on your communication skills. Simply put, it’ll increase the need for good communication and that is something you want to be sure you have before committing to marriage.
Your Taos Wedding Officiant
While I don’t require you complete a camping-type marriage compatibility test to work with me as your Taos wedding officiant, it’ll open up more doors for comparing notes and experiences out in nature. And if you’re thinking of a unique wedding location in New Mexico, I’m full of ideas for you. Tucked around northern New Mexico are some great trails with hidden jewels of natural beauty. So if it is just the two of you, or a small intrepid group, I’ll gladly join you for an adventure on your wedding day.

Ready to get the ball rolling? It’s good to start early in order to get the date and time of your choice. Take a minute to submit this inquiry form on my website so I can let you know my availability and answer any initial questions you have.
We’ve had a snowy winter in northern New Mexico this year which promises a summer of streams, waterfalls and cascades of wildflowers.
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