Embracing your lifestyle, national origin, gender expression, ability, culture, traditions and values.

Dan Jones, Wedding Officiant

Embracing Ceremony Blog

Intimate Elopement Ceremony: Channel the Look of Love

Friends that know I’m a wedding officiant in Taos often ask me about love. They assume I see love all around me and they’re right! Love comes through different couples in different ways. And I’ve been learning to recognize it through the looks I see exchanged, the words I hear exchanged during their intimate elopement ceremony . . .

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Taos Spring Wedding

‘Twas the day before Mother’s Day and spring was springing in Taos, New Mexico. It was a quintessential early May day in northern New Mexico with the lilacs in full bloom and the crabapples joining them to scent the air throughout town. A concert in Kit Carson Park wafted strains of music through the downtown . . .

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