Embracing your lifestyle, national origin, gender expression, ability, culture, traditions and values.

Dan Jones, Wedding Officiant

Embracing Ceremony Blog


While it is true that I joined Facebook kicking and screaming, I now host a page for Embracing Ceremony. Visit us – and like! – the page here. It seemed the time had come to accept that Facebook would offer a good way to expose my services as a wedding minister in Taos to a . . .

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Gay Marriage in New Mexico

Who would have thought that little old New Mexico (we’re actually the fifth largest state, who knew?) would break down the discriminatory barriers to gay marriage in a unique way. Last week’s Taos News had the banner headline, “Taos ruling makes marriage legal for all.” There were gay weddings taking place in front of the . . .

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Budgeting Wedding Priorities

Where, in the long list of expenses for your big day, does your wedding officiant fit in? Comparing costs for the venue, the flowers, the rings isn’t easy, but the costs are somewhat tangible as you compare from vendor to vendor. You can consider tradeoffs such as selecting a venue that has such a stunning . . .

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Choosing a Venue

You and your fiancé have an exciting time ahead of you as you collaborate to make an infinite number of decisions about your upcoming wedding. Early on you’ll be deciding where to have your wedding. Many decisions can’t be finalized until you have made this critical choice. Finding a unique wedding location is one of . . .

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Teaming with Your Wedding Officiant

So you’re newly engaged and starting the process of planning your wedding day! Exciting as well as a little challenging, but as you embark you’ll find there are a lot of great resources at hand. There are wedding shows, wedding websites and eager professionals to help with the flowers, cake and venue. Couples seem to . . .

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Need more information on planning a wedding in northern New Mexico? Request our informative listing that includes options for other services such as wedding cakes, accommodations and fine dining.